Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Time Travel?

I've been catching up on Doctor Who lately, going through the last episodes of David Tennant. Very sorry to have seen him go. This is the second time I have seen a Christian parallel in it. Yet again, the Doctor sacrifices himself for his friends and has to regenerate. This shows something not unlike the love of Jesus, when He did the same. Lots of it end up being quite sad when each companion is either lost, moves on or in the last case, he is forced to wipe her memories of him. Each of them, especially Rose, at one point planned to stay with him forever. Parallel to Ruth and Naomi : "Where you go, I will go."

I haven't posted in a while because to be honest things haven't been anywhere near perfect. Two songs I want to share today: firstly, "Blessings" by Laura Story... "What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?" And "Miracle of the Moment" by Steven Curtis Chapman. "I don't want you to miss the miracle of the moment...." Yes, some days I want to go back to last year. But last year, I would probably have wanted to do the same. So if I did go back in time (ooh, back to the sci-fi Doctor Who theme! meant to be :)), I would miss out on a lot of good stuff God has planned, but it may take a while to notice it.

1 comment:

debi10kids said...

wow. do I hear you and COMPLETELY understand where you are coming from.

Thank you for sharing these songs. Today, my heart needed it.